1. 本插件只对【文章(post)】进行操作,【页面(page)】不受影响。
2. 本插件只对类型为【已发布(publish)】和【私有(private)】的文章进行操作,类型为【密码保护】的文章不受影响。
3. 在隐藏以前的文章时,那些之前就已经单独设置为私有类型的文章,本插件会将其记住,确保以后批量取消隐藏时,不会将其一起公开。
4. 本插件是通过把文章设成【私有(private)】来实现隐藏的,因此基本只对单用户blog好用。如果wordpress中存在多个admin用户,或者专门进行了其它的权限设置,则不保证你的私有文章不会被别人看到。
Plugin Name: FS Hide Time
Version: 0.8
Author: fivestone
Requires at least: 2.7
Tested up to: 2.9
[download id=”8″]
== Description ==
This plugin can batch hide the articles posted before some date, or automatically keep hiding the articles posted several days ago.
1. The hide operation only affects on posts, but not on pages.
2. The plugin only changes the posts with the visibility “public” and “private”. It does not touch the “password protected” ones.
3. The plugin can remember the posts which you already set as private before, to make sure they won’t be changed into public when you cancel the hiding plugin.
4. This plugin hides posts by setting them to private visibility. If there were other admin users or some extra permission setting in you wordpress, maybe you private articles are still visible to someone else.
== Installation ==
1. Upload the directory “fs-hide-time” to the “/wp-content/plugins/” directory
2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
3. In menu “Setting -> FS Hide Time”, generate the digests manually.
== Screenshots ==
[wordpress plugin] FS Hide Time
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