Tag: GPS
湄洲岛,传说是妈祖林默的故乡。北宋年间,岛上出现了最早的妈祖庙(灵女祠),经历朝扩建为大片宫殿,文革期间全毁,1980 年代后,由散落到各地的香火信徒集资重建的仿宋建筑群。被妈祖信徒们戏称为「东方麦加」…… 除了在码头附近的大型祖庙外,湄洲岛上的几乎每个村落,都有各自的妈祖庙,盖的都不小。去不同的堂口进香,也是信仰和交流体系的一部分;尤其是在一些祭日,人们会扛着妈祖像,把所有的庙都逛一遍。 但其中一些庙,路不熟的话,并不好找。于是我上岛时,被唤醒了踩地图之魂,骑着电动车,把所有妈祖庙都找了一遍,标上准确的 GPS 位置。 每座庙的 GPS 位置(WGS 84),由北向南: 地点 纬度 °N 经度 °E 湄洲祖庙 25.09379 119.14317 上英宫 25.09035 119.12628 上林宫 25.09007 119.12889 上兴宫 25.08973 119.13972 寨山宫 25.08211 119.12082 莲池宫 25.08169 119.12598 回龙宫 25.08014 119.11606 龙兴宫 25.08008 119.12268 进福宫 25.07523 119.11157 湖石宫 25.07453 119.12075 天后行宫 25.07068 119.11253 文兴宫 25.06453 119.12972 白石宫 25.06218 119.12382 天利宫…
Where is Sonagachi?
This is a travelogue I wrote many years ago. However, every day, over 300 visitors from India find this website when they search “Sonagachi” on Google. It’s not hard to imagine that many of them do not come for the interests in traveling. This makes me uncomfortable. I have been hesitating whether to delete this…
N43E84 @ confluence.org
四年后突然想起来那个踩整数点的网站叫什么了(我以前搜过一堆GPS integer之类的关键字都没找到。。。):confluence.org。匆匆把当年踩巴音布鲁克的帖子翻译了几段贴上去,正在审批ing。 N43E84 @ confluence.org —————————————– N43 E84, Bayanbulak Grassland, Xinjiang, China The point locates about 3.5km away from the nearest road – G217 national highway. The 1089km long “national” highway is just a stony path in this section. The way acrosses mountains, and it was interrupted due to road slides so we had to…