Tag: music

  • phono

    (电话里) :买黑胶机了! :赞! :^-^ :好吃吗? :…… ——————————– they had a hi-fi phono, boy, did they let it blast seven hundred little records, all rock, rhythm and jazz but when the sun went down, the rapid tempo of the music fell “c’est la vie,” say the old folks, “it goes to show you never can tell”

  • Lagrima

    最近有些冷清。才艺展示一下,顺便试试wordpress中音频文件的上传和嵌入。 Lagrima,《泪》 composed by Francisco Tarrega performed by fivestone download here 吉他曲。刚从硬盘里翻出来,一年多前跟风录着玩的,效果不好。后来一时兴起,买了高尚的话筒和录音声卡,后来就又懈怠了。贴在这里,激励一下自己,考虑去强练Alhambra…. 可惜很多事总要凑热闹一起做才来劲。